Thursday, August 18, 2016

Jesus the Khristós or Jesus Christ (4 BC – 30 AD)

Jesus of Nazareth came to revive the Aryan religion of Prophet Zoroaster

In New Christianity, the Christ is a title for the savior and redeemer who would bring salvation to the humanity. But his message had changed by Roman Empire rulers and Hebrew Jewish scholars. Jesus came, and he was called "Jesus Christ" (meaning "Jesus the Khristós," "Jesus the Messiah" or "Jesus the Anointed").  Indeed, Jesus the Khristós (the word "Khristhus" means, that he is truly is God HU) came to revive the Aryan religion of truthful divine revelations. To understand the process above, we need to start from the day when three wise men visited Jesus of Nazareth after his birth. The Aryan religion of Prophet Zoroaster’s preachers are known as Magi (Kurdish: Magush) also, referred to as the three Wise Men or three Kings were in the Gospel of Matthew and Christian tradition, a group of distinguished foreigners. The Jewish scholars who wrote New Christian Bible did not want to write down the detail of their visit. It is understandable now.

According to Bible the Magi who visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The holiday celebrations of Christmas are an important part of Christian tradition. But they do not know the detail about them. According to Matthew, the only one of the four Canonical gospels to mention the Magi, they came "from the east" to worship the "King of the Jews." The statement above is questionable if you think about it. Jesus of Nazareth born without father according to Christian religion belief, which means he is not from Hebrew Jews by blood, even if his mother was Jews. In the past and our lifetime the people are not accepting mother for bloodline.

The Magi’s visit is paramount because the Magi used astrology calculation to interpreted human affairs. According to Magi prediction, Jesus of Nazareth is the “Saoshyant” they had waiting for in last few thousand of years. “Saoshyant” is the figure in the Aryan (Zoroastrianism) religion that brings about the Frashokereti or final renovation of the world. “Saoshyant” is similar to the Messiah of the Judaism religion. The account does not mention the number of Magi. But scholars made up number three based on the three gifts has led to the widespread assumption. And there were three men, in Eastern New Christianity, especially the Syriac churches. The Magi number often is twelve, their identification as kings in later New Christian writings probably linked to Psalms 72:11, which is coming from this statement "May all kings fall before him".

The early Christianity religion

The birth and death stories of Jesus of Nazareth well documented by the creator of New Christianity religion. The entire apostolic age and the history of new Christianity from the acts of the apostles to the First Council of Nicaea in year 325 AD are questionable because of the conspiracies by the Roman rulers and Jewish scholars cooperation.

Jesus of Nazareth teaching was against Judaism religion. Jesus the Khristós (Jesus Christ) religion spread after his death and was attracting members outside of the land controlled by Hebrew Jewish people. Jesus is born during the era of Roman Emperor Augustus (23 September 63 BC – 19 August 14 AD). The Roman–Parthian Wars (66 BCE – 217 AD) and Roman-Sassanid (224 to 651) wars were a series of conflicts between the White Parthian Kurdish Empires as the members of the Aryan religion and the white Roman Republic and Roman Empire as the members of the Mithraism religion. It was the first series of conflicts to grab more land after the collapse of Greek Empire, which lasted for 719 years.

Jesus Christ came to revive the Aryan religion of Prophet Zoroaster as the worshiper of only one God known as God HU. Judaism religion members are from the family of the Deva religion God. The Aryan religion based on three principles known as God HU (Auramazda, means holy fire) the creator, Fravahar means the Holy Spirit and Ashu Zoroaster, which means prophet Zoroaster is the founder of Aryan religion. Jesus Christ religion based on three principles known as God the Father, Holy Spirit and Son of God (Jesus Christ the founder of the Christian faith).

A genuine religion of Jesus Christ was growing rapidly in Rome. And Sassanid Kurdish Empire (224 to 651) comes to power based on the revival of Aryan religion, which was not different from the Christian religion of Jesus Christ. Roman Empire ruler was facing real danger, which shared the interest of Judaism religion leaders too. Both Roman leader and Jewish scholars come up with new Christian religion to replace true Christian religion of Jesus Christ. Indeed, new Christian faith teaching is different from the true Christian religion, which is used to fight Aryan religion of Sassanid Empire first and then used against the Islamic religion too. Abraham known as Prophet Muhammad is descendent of Abraham and worshiper of God Shiva; he created Islamic religion with the help of Jewish scholars to White people empires of Rom and Sassanid too.

The secret of Pope, which is called the “Secret of Fatima” contain the real stories about how Roman and Jewish scholars replaced true Christian religion of Jesus Christ to the New Christian teaching to fool white people. The white people revolution against Zionist Jewish leaders in Europe, Russia, and America, will lead to discloser of truth by Pope sooner or later. Indeed, White people suffered in last 2538 because of the Hebrew Jewish leaders conspiracies in the land of White Aryan people.

In light of freedom of information and the era of Internet document availability helped me to do my research in last ten year thoroughly. And the discovery of American author Gene D. Matlock claims that Abraham the forefather of Hebrew Jews is the son of God Krishna alerted me to analyze document written by members of Deva religions (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Judaism, New Christian, Islam and others). In the old world without Native American (Red Indian) and Native Australian (Aboriginal Australians), there were only two doctrines. The first led by Mithraism and Aryan religion believer of the only one God is known as “God HU.” The second led by the followers of Deva religion. The followers of Trimurti Gods (three Gods) are known as God Brahma, the creator, God Vishnu the preserver, and God Shiva the destroyer/transformer as members of Deva religion. The followers of God Shiva of Deva religions created Judaism and Islamic faith. They changed their Gods name from Shiva to different names. The Judaism religion God is Yahweh and Islamic religion God is Allah. Both Judaism and Islam did not want to be detected by others. The new Christian religion is design to confuse the members forever.

There is no doubt about Jesus of Nazareth’s religion believes anymore after the discovery of American author Gene D. Matlock who claims that Abraham is the son of Lord Krishna or his descendant. The analysis of Jesus Christ religion principle is indicating that he came to revive the Aryan religion of Prophet Zoroaster. His family was from Samaritans (Samāriyyūn or Samhariyyhun, means we are followers of God HU). This group is belong to White Aryan people who settled among Hebrew Jewish people after King Nebuchadnezzar II of Neo-Babylonian Empire moved the majority of Hebrew Jews to Babylonian as captive. The Samaritans reported to Median Empire; they saved Cyrus the great from Jewish leader plot to kill him. During Alexander, the Great Hebrew Jewish leader annihilated Samaritans people. Jesus of Nazareth is not the descendant of King David, the stories made up by Hebrew Jewish scholars and Roman Empire rulers.

According to the holy book of Avesta (Avesta means “after the water stopped or great flood receded”), the vast flood of year 5600 BCE is very close to the coming of Prophet Zoroaster. Prophet Zoroaster came to revive the Mitra religion of Prophet Mahabad, or Mahabhara, which was taken over by members of Deva religion (devil worshipers). Prophet Zoroaster started the Aryan religion with this statement: “Mazdayasno Zarathushtrish Vidaevo Ahura-Tkaesho.” Prophet Zoroaster is saying the laws of Great God HU are holy to him, and he is against the “Daevo,” meaning Arimanius or Angra Mainyu and the evil creatures made by Arimanius know as Lord Shiva, Lord Krishna, Demon, Satan, or Devil who is anti-God HU. Prophet Zoroaster is declaring that he follows only the path of God HU as the only king.

Prophet Mahabad or Mahabhara started the Mitra religion and believed in only one God known as God HU. He taught people that God HU is similar to the sun or that the sun is the soul of God HU. Prophet Mahabad’s or Mahabhara’s Mitra or Mithraism religion is the predecessor of the Aryan religion by Prophet Zoroaster (Aryan religion is called Zoroastrianism religion by enemies of Aryan religion to degrade that religion compared to their religion). The word Aryan first used by the Prophet Zoroaster, who recognized fire as one of the holy earthly elements to be similar to God HU. Ancient followers of the Aryan religion used it as a symbol of freedom and at their Newroz (New Year) celebration. Travelers passing through the kingdom of the Aryans, centered in the Airyanem Vaejah (the land of the volcano or Mount Damavand region) near the city of Ray in today’s Tehran, noticed fires everywhere at night and called the Aryans’ home the “land of fire.”

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