Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Jewish Power and American Presidential Election!

By Hamma Mirwaisi

Chapter 19 of my new book after went through edition by English editor. The title of the book is “Knowledge Soup for the Soul” with the subtitle of “Arimanus vs. God HU.”

The Use of Politics as a Tool to Replace Religions

The discovery of ancient ‘Gobekli Tepe Civilization’ or the History of White Aryan People’s Civilization does not seem to have any effect on the followers of God Shiva or Krishna and Abrahamic religion’s members. The Jewish scholars have proved time and again that they are ahead of humanity by at least more than 500 years. If you think about any spiritual idea(s) today, they have already been thinking about that idea, at least 500 years before you. This is the fact for readers and so called educated White Aryan people members to think about. I have no intention of demeaning the members of White Aryan people, but, if you are a member of the same, it is time to think about the injustice done to you and to take a stand. Be wise enough to protect yourself from the further assault and deny yourself to be treated as a ‘disposable slaves.' It was the brainchild of the Jewish scholars to create New Christian and Islamic religious organizations, wherein, hundreds of millions of White Aryan people died in the religious wars before the White Aryan people discovered the true agenda behind the creation of these organizations – to control the humanity. In the last five hundred years, the Jewish scholars have realized that the religious effects are losing their impact, and hence, they have come up with the new ideas called ‘politics,' which actually means ‘to lie and lie to fool the people.' Thousands of millions have already died fighting one another for political organizations under the name of democrat, socialist, communist, labor union, left, right and many other names, used by Jewish scholars. And used by people, too, to kill one another, repeating the mistakes made by the religious organization in last two thousand years. It is hard to be believed, but unfortunately, it is true. I request you to conduct your own research to find out the truth about the facts, which I have presented to you in the form of this book.

Today the Jewish billionaires who help elect the people who work for them are controlling the entire world. The US elections are round the corner and are an apt example of the same. It 's hard to find one white politician in the US who has no connections with the Jewish lobbyists.

It is an open secret that it is nearly impossible to get elected without the financial help of the Jewish people. In fact, it will certainly not be an understatement to say that even the dictators cannot survive without the help of Jewish benefactors. The simple fact can gauge the influence exercised by the Jewish people that they are capable of growing a donkey as a king, a befitting example of which can be seen in the Middle East. They imposed uneducated Massoud Barzani on the Kurdish people in South Kurdistan (former North of Iraq) and made every member of his immediate family millionaire or billionaire without having to work for it. The power of Zionist Jewish leaders and Israel can be estimated from the most powerful nation on Earth, the US, to the weakest nation on Earth, the Kurd of Kurdistan. This is undoubtedly the peak of power of the followers of Arimanus (God Shiva, Krishna, and Abraham) now. Zionist Jewish leaders are surely the king makers in the modern world.

‘Politics’ as explained by public website (from Greek: politics, the definition: ‘of, for, or relating to citizens’) is the practice and theory of influencing other people. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance - organized control over a human community, particularly a state. Furthermore, politics is the study or practice of the distribution of power and resources within a given community (usually a hierarchically organized population) as well as the interrelationships between communities.

A variety of methods are employed in politics, which include promoting or forcing one’s own political views among people, negotiation with other political subjects, making laws, and exercising force, including warfare against adversaries. Politics is exercised on a wide range of social levels, from clans and tribes of traditional societies, through modern local governments, companies, and institutions up to sovereign states, to the international level.

I would like you to ponder over the statements and the facts presented above. The followers of Arimanus (God Shiva, Krishna, and Abraham) were able to use religious organizations for thousands of years to control the humanity. So, isn’t it thought to provoke that why were not able to come up with new ideas called ‘Politics’ or any other method to control the humanity?

Politics offers a rich vocabulary to be used, of which some of the most impressive ones are: Democratic, Socialist, Communist, Capitalist, Marxist, Leninist, Maoist, Labor Dictatorship, Dictators, etc.

Karl Marx’s philosophies generally thought to have been derived from three sources as follow; they are German Idealist Philosophy, French Socialism, and English and Scottish Political Economy.

 German Idealism was a speculative philosophical movement that emerged in Germany in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It was a reaction from Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and was closely linked with both Romanticism and the revolutionary politics of the Enlightenment. The most notable thinkers in the movement were Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Schelling, and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, while Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Gottlob Ernst Schulze, Karl Leonhard Reinhold and Friedrich Schleiermacher also made major contributions.

The Socialist Party (French: Parti Socialist, PS) is a social-democratic political party in France and the largest party of the French centre-left. The PS is one of the two major contemporary political parties in France, along with the Republicans. The Socialist Party replaced the earlier French Section of the Workers’ International (SFIO) in 1969 and is currently led by First Secretary Jean-Christophe Cambadélis. The PS is a member of the Party of European Socialists (PES), the Socialist International (SI) and the Progressive Alliance.

Classical Marxism refers to the economic, philosophical, and sociological theories expounded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, as contrasted with later developments in Marxism, especially Leninism and Marxism–Leninism.

Without further delving on the subject let us stop and think about the political organizations, which were used to replace religious organizations in the world. The concoction has worked fine, but how many more millions of people will have to die before dawning upon the fact that Politics is no different from religion? It is nothing, but merely a method to control the humanity. It is in fact, imperative to introspect and find out if these controllers of the world really possess any humane qualities. Had it been so, they would not have built their own castles, with blood stained hands, on the carcasses of the millions of people killed for political gains.

The controllers of the world are surviving on wars and destruction. Most of them are the Zionist Jewish leaders and very rich bankers. At the same time, I would like to mention that all Jews are not a part of these activities. The Zionist Jewish leaders have brought the Jewish people nothing but terrible times, if the facts, right from the migration of Abraham from India to Canaan, are to be considered and studied.

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the controllers of the world are busy formulating new plans. They are far-sighted to the effect that they are planning for more than 2000 years from now. They are ahead of the times and the humanity, always. By the time, we will realize the same and would consider taking some action; it will be too late to do anything.

Apart from the other thoughts and beliefs discussed in The Knowledge Soup for Your Soul, there are rumors that aliens from outer space are visiting earth more often than before. Let’s hope that they are the agents of God HU, who want to liberate humanity from Zionist Jewish leaders as the controllers of the world. The unjust practices of the Zionist Jewish leaders are not tolerable anymore, and humanity needs God HU’s interference to be liberated from these unjust practices forever.

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