Sunday, October 2, 2016

Knowledge Soup for the Soul: Arimanus Vs. God Hu


The book entitled “Knowledge Soup for the Soul” encompasses prehistoric developments of the land of paradise with a theme story of ‘Arimanus versus God HU’ when the manly body would have started taking control of the gifts of nature. The book is a pre-meal starter for arousing strong appetite. Recently, the author has published another book, “White and Aryan Civilizations” and I will suggest that the reader should read “White and Aryan Civilizations” after the “Knowledge Soup for the Soul.”

The author of the book Hamma F. Mirwaisi has presented the whole matter in 21 chapters. His observations may be given thought as the author is a native of the land of Mesopotamia and he has a right to bring happening of the playground of ancient people on the surface for the present and future generations. A busy guy of modern time will pick up the book like a crazy for the old taste soup used to be served by the grandmother with love and affection avoiding a pint of the bitter taste for someone of you. I give credit to the author that he has referred Vedas, Upanishads (Sanskrit: Upaniṣad). And many historical books from Mesopotamia to present time India and consistently focused on the theme how the cultures were changed to religions particularly in reference of Aryans who gave their best to the society and how the cunning of the society can modify the culture. Some of it can be evolution, which follows laws of nature but the change of direction is always by force.
Intellectuals spare time to refer history and prehistoric happenings in dire need of getting right direction when they are in a state of utter confusion. All the religions in the modern time have the imagination of a God and all the so imagined Gods have highly common virtues. But every religion tries its best to solidify ground of that faith only. Obviously, if not for a common man but the intelligent person starts searching for the Omni-God. In ‘Vedic Richas,' Sun has always been accredited with high supremacy, non-controversial, the source of energy and life, the provider of food, vegetation, and medicines for the survival of everyone on earth including birds and beasts. The primary attraction of supremacy should have led many great individuals to be worshiped like Sun. This slowly converted into collective sectarian approaches of groups of people to establish their entity with a God. New, method being related to a larger section of the society got the place in the instrument of administration and even in Court of law in some nations. Many nations have the problem of proliferation of Gods, and a God is treated as a precursor-means of safety, security, business and almost all things on behalf of the individual. This has indeed weakened original approach of raising characteristic of individual human. It reminds me the warning of the great warrior of Mahabharata war, Bhishma Pitamah when lying on his deathbed, said to Krsna (Krishna) “ Oh Krsna, yes, you have won the war, but now this country will not get characteristic people for thousands of years.” According to the author of the book, the prevailing approach of human Gods was started in Mesopotamia. Many efforts would have been made for the revival of Aryan culture that had hypothesized a non-human to be a God, like the Sun, and the culture had forcefully stopped unsocial acts (vulgarity) of mighty people in many cases. According to literature written after the Vedic period there existed Tri-Murty or Three Deities with their distinct realm of duties. In India idea of Tri-Murty got popularity much after its first Vaishali democracy ~ 600 BCE.

Great philosophers have always imagined about the end result of activity. Hence, they can speculate another activity or an approach of the future. By the way, Europe had two world wars one after the other. And has seen a devastated state of the region and curses of human life, but the role of its philosophers must be appreciated because they saved Europe from the very bad state of the affair after the wars within almost three decades, unlike India after Mahabharata war. The important difference is that the winners paid full attention to the welfare of Europe as well as other lands contrary to a ply out in Bharatvarsh after the Mahabharat war.

Several stories of three deities, Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh are similar in three big religions like Judaism, Islam and Hinduism e.g. stories related to Manu or Mannus. This is available in the old literature of Kurds too. Similarly, Arīmanius is an older character and may be a name of Shiva or Mahesh and stories related to him are found in Latin and Greek literature as well. At one time Arīmanius was opposing to God HU or the Sun, and in the later period, he is equally worshiped by both demons and Devas. The Caucasian (later known as Aryan) approach was nearly consistent that the Sun or God HU existed in Mithra and before Mithra religion and in the Aryan approach ‘Fire’ was treated as an equivalent. This may be a matter of further research what the reasons of replacing Sun by the Fire God were? Was it because of evolution or Aryan became a different race with its God as ‘Fire’ or it was because of a competition set between Arīmanius and God HU. It is sure that in the land of Bharatvarsh lot of experiments of producing different kinds of fires and their applications were conducted for thousands of years by sages and seers and they were consistently opposed by the so called as the race of demons. It is a surprising truth that none of the literature of any religion gives the clear picture about the ‘beginning and end of the universe’ and occasionally one intelligent deity to test the others misuses the concept. Lord Shiva to test supremacy of Brahma or Vishnu once posed Story of the question of ‘Jyotirlinga.' Much later Lord Krishna (Krsna) poses a similar set of questions about the ‘matter and soul’ before the great warrior Arjun of Mahabharata for provoking him to start fighting. Whether the universe began with a big bang or a dense lump of light is still an unsolved question and in modern time high-energy physics community of the world is busy in finding the ultimate of matter. Like that ‘Cause or because of life’ and ‘existence of soul’ are the questions even today. In my opinion ‘wisdom(s)’ can be generated on philosophizing happenings of time but to convert them into real work or to provide shape to them may take thousands of years. In my opinion, the Aryan culture has always been for a realistic world.

The author of the book has gathered in-depth knowledge about the religions. He has discussed competitions between religions, interpretations, hiding of the truth, etc. and all together it indicates towards that life of people will be complicated, atrocities on weaker sections or non-religious people may increase. Religion, which generally has chances to penetrate in administrative tools, may make a free life as very difficult. In that sense, it's hard to authenticate any happening. But one thing is sure that people once again want to lead the simpler life for the purpose of leading a life. They probably expect a different system to evolve for their help that can guarantee a life with true pride of individual.

Dr. V.K. Verma
Professor (Retired)
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (India) and
G.G.S.I.P. University, New Delhi

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Jewish Power and American Presidential Election!

By Hamma Mirwaisi

Chapter 19 of my new book after went through edition by English editor. The title of the book is “Knowledge Soup for the Soul” with the subtitle of “Arimanus vs. God HU.”

The Use of Politics as a Tool to Replace Religions

The discovery of ancient ‘Gobekli Tepe Civilization’ or the History of White Aryan People’s Civilization does not seem to have any effect on the followers of God Shiva or Krishna and Abrahamic religion’s members. The Jewish scholars have proved time and again that they are ahead of humanity by at least more than 500 years. If you think about any spiritual idea(s) today, they have already been thinking about that idea, at least 500 years before you. This is the fact for readers and so called educated White Aryan people members to think about. I have no intention of demeaning the members of White Aryan people, but, if you are a member of the same, it is time to think about the injustice done to you and to take a stand. Be wise enough to protect yourself from the further assault and deny yourself to be treated as a ‘disposable slaves.' It was the brainchild of the Jewish scholars to create New Christian and Islamic religious organizations, wherein, hundreds of millions of White Aryan people died in the religious wars before the White Aryan people discovered the true agenda behind the creation of these organizations – to control the humanity. In the last five hundred years, the Jewish scholars have realized that the religious effects are losing their impact, and hence, they have come up with the new ideas called ‘politics,' which actually means ‘to lie and lie to fool the people.' Thousands of millions have already died fighting one another for political organizations under the name of democrat, socialist, communist, labor union, left, right and many other names, used by Jewish scholars. And used by people, too, to kill one another, repeating the mistakes made by the religious organization in last two thousand years. It is hard to be believed, but unfortunately, it is true. I request you to conduct your own research to find out the truth about the facts, which I have presented to you in the form of this book.

Today the Jewish billionaires who help elect the people who work for them are controlling the entire world. The US elections are round the corner and are an apt example of the same. It 's hard to find one white politician in the US who has no connections with the Jewish lobbyists.

It is an open secret that it is nearly impossible to get elected without the financial help of the Jewish people. In fact, it will certainly not be an understatement to say that even the dictators cannot survive without the help of Jewish benefactors. The simple fact can gauge the influence exercised by the Jewish people that they are capable of growing a donkey as a king, a befitting example of which can be seen in the Middle East. They imposed uneducated Massoud Barzani on the Kurdish people in South Kurdistan (former North of Iraq) and made every member of his immediate family millionaire or billionaire without having to work for it. The power of Zionist Jewish leaders and Israel can be estimated from the most powerful nation on Earth, the US, to the weakest nation on Earth, the Kurd of Kurdistan. This is undoubtedly the peak of power of the followers of Arimanus (God Shiva, Krishna, and Abraham) now. Zionist Jewish leaders are surely the king makers in the modern world.

‘Politics’ as explained by public website (from Greek: politics, the definition: ‘of, for, or relating to citizens’) is the practice and theory of influencing other people. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance - organized control over a human community, particularly a state. Furthermore, politics is the study or practice of the distribution of power and resources within a given community (usually a hierarchically organized population) as well as the interrelationships between communities.

A variety of methods are employed in politics, which include promoting or forcing one’s own political views among people, negotiation with other political subjects, making laws, and exercising force, including warfare against adversaries. Politics is exercised on a wide range of social levels, from clans and tribes of traditional societies, through modern local governments, companies, and institutions up to sovereign states, to the international level.

I would like you to ponder over the statements and the facts presented above. The followers of Arimanus (God Shiva, Krishna, and Abraham) were able to use religious organizations for thousands of years to control the humanity. So, isn’t it thought to provoke that why were not able to come up with new ideas called ‘Politics’ or any other method to control the humanity?

Politics offers a rich vocabulary to be used, of which some of the most impressive ones are: Democratic, Socialist, Communist, Capitalist, Marxist, Leninist, Maoist, Labor Dictatorship, Dictators, etc.

Karl Marx’s philosophies generally thought to have been derived from three sources as follow; they are German Idealist Philosophy, French Socialism, and English and Scottish Political Economy.

 German Idealism was a speculative philosophical movement that emerged in Germany in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It was a reaction from Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and was closely linked with both Romanticism and the revolutionary politics of the Enlightenment. The most notable thinkers in the movement were Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Schelling, and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, while Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Gottlob Ernst Schulze, Karl Leonhard Reinhold and Friedrich Schleiermacher also made major contributions.

The Socialist Party (French: Parti Socialist, PS) is a social-democratic political party in France and the largest party of the French centre-left. The PS is one of the two major contemporary political parties in France, along with the Republicans. The Socialist Party replaced the earlier French Section of the Workers’ International (SFIO) in 1969 and is currently led by First Secretary Jean-Christophe Cambadélis. The PS is a member of the Party of European Socialists (PES), the Socialist International (SI) and the Progressive Alliance.

Classical Marxism refers to the economic, philosophical, and sociological theories expounded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, as contrasted with later developments in Marxism, especially Leninism and Marxism–Leninism.

Without further delving on the subject let us stop and think about the political organizations, which were used to replace religious organizations in the world. The concoction has worked fine, but how many more millions of people will have to die before dawning upon the fact that Politics is no different from religion? It is nothing, but merely a method to control the humanity. It is in fact, imperative to introspect and find out if these controllers of the world really possess any humane qualities. Had it been so, they would not have built their own castles, with blood stained hands, on the carcasses of the millions of people killed for political gains.

The controllers of the world are surviving on wars and destruction. Most of them are the Zionist Jewish leaders and very rich bankers. At the same time, I would like to mention that all Jews are not a part of these activities. The Zionist Jewish leaders have brought the Jewish people nothing but terrible times, if the facts, right from the migration of Abraham from India to Canaan, are to be considered and studied.

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the controllers of the world are busy formulating new plans. They are far-sighted to the effect that they are planning for more than 2000 years from now. They are ahead of the times and the humanity, always. By the time, we will realize the same and would consider taking some action; it will be too late to do anything.

Apart from the other thoughts and beliefs discussed in The Knowledge Soup for Your Soul, there are rumors that aliens from outer space are visiting earth more often than before. Let’s hope that they are the agents of God HU, who want to liberate humanity from Zionist Jewish leaders as the controllers of the world. The unjust practices of the Zionist Jewish leaders are not tolerable anymore, and humanity needs God HU’s interference to be liberated from these unjust practices forever.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The White & Aryan Civilizations: Foreword

By Dr. V. K.Verma

Hamma's writing of the book ‘The White and Aryan Civilizations’ is to put facts about the pre-Aryan culture before the world of modern time. Literature available in India about Aryans and pre-Aryan cultures although very rich, but, written in local languages and inclined towards local religion hence lose the basic historic values on one hand and have hardly reached to the international readers. It reminds me that one such Indian scholar Acharya Chatursen Shastri had worked to keep the historic values intact and to project ancient cultures of the land spread up to the Middle East through his several books.

The author of the book has a rich bank of knowledge about ‘White Race’ that is later on known as the ‘Aryan Race.' This transformation can be considered as the gift of the devastating flood Mesopotamia and migration of the White race to Bharat land. In the modern time either people are busy in developed countries, or they are involved in religious activities in many countries so much that they lose the cultural part, and they know very little about their ancestors for the sake of continuance of meaning of their life. In order to understand the cultural misgivings or even misunderstanding to harm the humanity up to several generations, this book has definite material. Thus,  Mirwaisi's book on ‘White and Aryan Civilizations’ will be enlightening.

I understand that Iran’s history starts much earlier with the Mede Empire. And in the year 625 BCE, Cyaxares, The Great, also known by the titles of ‘Kurdish: Kayxesraw’ and ‘Uvaxshtra, revolted against the illegitimate ruler of the Median Empire, the Scythian King Madius, who had dethroned him earlier in the year 633 BCE. As a result of the uprising, Emperor Kayxesraw was called as ‘Ahashverosh’ in the holy book Bible. The revolt firmly established the power of the Medes, the forefathers of today’s Kurds, over territories from the Halys River in the west to Sattagydia in the east. It had occurred only a few years before the King Astyages was born and in this reference story of King Astyages and Queen Vashti is well known to the world. Readers may also refer to ‘Isaiah: 13:17-20 of the ‘Old Testament’ where Isaiah had a bold expectation from the Medes. The title Mede represents a race that is derived from the name of the king of the ancient time, Ajamede.
After the great devastating flood of Airyanem Vaejah, a big segment of White Caucasian race migrated eastward to the land known as Bharatvarsh. In the modern time, a part of this land is known by the name India. Over thousands of years, they developed the Aryan Culture and according to the Vedic literature, the White Aryan people societies were organized into four social groups, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra in the land of Bharatvarsh. Traditionally, the Kshatriya constituted the ruling and military elite with a role to protect society by fighting in wartime and governing in peacetime as a part of Aryan culture. From the common social and historic knowledge it is established that after the great Mahabharat war of Bharatvarsh, Kshatriya migrated back to the land of Mesopotamia after the great flood of 5600 BCE mostly as nomads.

The story of the migration of sons of Kuru dynasty as Pandavas is well known. King Cyaxares, The Great, the forefather of today Kurds was the leader of Kshatriya spread up from India to Europe and from Egypt to Mongolia, while his cousins kept ruling the land of today known as India and Pakistan. The Medes family led members of the Aryan religion of Prophet Zoroaster, was frequently opposed by members of Asura culture. The author has thrown light on the concepts of Asur, Deva and Demons all being mighty groups of society with their free wisdom. The Medes overpowered several cultures of the region of Mesopotamia and established Mede Empire in the region under the umbrella of the Aryan culture of this time. In the period of Mahabharat and later on, Krishna and Kurus had cordial relations and frequent dialogues but with different philosophies of life. The cordial relations have probably continued up to ~ 522 BCE i.e. the time of last Mede king.  After this period, there is the emergence of a series of religions, which have replaced cultures. The Deva religion of leader Lord Krishna took over a big part of Asia in its influence. While their cousins took over the entire White Aryan people land of Mesopotamia and through the Aramaic (Judaism, New Christian, and Islamic religion) after defeating the basic cause of Jesus Christ who in fact wanted to revive ‘the Aryan culture’. People of Europe, America, and India mainly, are still struggling with the concepts of ‘religion’ and ‘culture’ and it is clearly evident that all are not catholic, orthodox or protestant.

In an episode occurring over forty years later after the Cyaxares The Great, era, the book of Esther as part of the holy book of ‘Hebrew Bible of Tanakh’ (the Old Testament) has recorded a brief story involving Queen Vashti, raising more questions than answers. Why the king Astyages (Ahasuerus) ordered his wife Queen Vashti to appear summarily before his guests in thin linen costume? She refused to obey the order of the king, as she was sure that her appearance at that time of ceremony couldn’t be the natural demand of the rule for the occasion. The story of Queen Vashti of ~ 600 BCE, on one hand, pronounces the cherished ‘Woman Rights’ and it is historic. Secondly, it helps in understanding the exciting story of ‘gamble play of Mahabharat’ and Draupadi, wife of Pandwas being put on the stake in Mahabharat epic of much earlier time. It is also worth mentioning that original historic reference book of Kuru family; ‘Jaya Samhita’ has nearly 8800 slokas. In later time, several additions in Jaya Samhita have been made and as a result, it is a much bigger voluminous book today in the form of Mahabharat epic carrying more than 75000 slokas. All these additions, are expected to be made after the fall of Mede Empire of Mesopotamia in 522 BCE when ‘religion’ starts dominating ‘culture.' More research work is needed to investigate the social and historical relations between Bharatvarsh land and Median Empire of the Middle East.
Queen Vashti of Medes risked her life to uphold her right to live as an equal to her powerful husband. She has been regarded as a trailblazer in challenging the curse of gender oppression and deserves the place of honor in world history today, which she was accorded in her own country all those years.  In his other book ‘Return of the Medes’ Hamma Mirwaisi mentions Queen Vashti’s contribution to her nation. The stories of Queen’s Vashti and Esther provided the seeds, which have grown in the form of ‘A History of the Kurdish People – Survival, Resistance, and Liberation of the white Diaspora’. In continuation of his several cherished books carrying historical events as mentioned above. To which I am quite aware, and assume that his further research has given him a chance to write this book about the ‘The White & Aryan Civilization’ with a subtitle of ‘Started 12, 000 Years ago in Gobekli Tepe to Serve Humanity.'

In summary, the author with the help of his rich knowledge of pre-historic time about the lands from present-day India to Turkey and Armenia to Arabia describes summarily Sur and Asur cultures, which were flourishing in that time. More important is the analysis about Devas and their specific relations between lands of modern time India and the Middle East. How the ‘cultures’ have migrated and come to merge, as a ‘religion’ is the main contribution of the book. I hope that the readers will find it an eye-opener. This also raises another relevant question about the relative importance of ‘culture’ over ‘religion’ and vice versa that is expected to be a function of time. 

Dr. V. K.Verma,
Professor, Retired  from
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur  &
G.G.S.Indraprastha University, New Delhi (India)

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The White & Aryan Civilization: The White & Aryan Civilization versusAbrahamic Rel...

The White & Aryan Civilization: The White & Aryan Civilization versusAbrahamic Rel...: The White & Aryan Civilization versus Abrahamic Religions as Warmongers! By Hamma Mirwaisi The Peaceful Foundation of Go...
The White & Aryan Civilization versus Abrahamic Religions as Warmongers!

By Hamma Mirwaisi

The Peaceful Foundation of Gobekli Tepe is built by White people civilization 12,000 years ago to Serve Humanity. And the forefather of Abraham created Deva religion in the land of today India at the same time, to destroy peaceful White people’s civilization.

Abraham, son of Lord Krishna or descendant of Krishna, was moved to today Middle East 3800 years ago. He started the foundation of Abrahamic religion (Judaism, New Christian and Islam) in Jerusalem (Hebrew: Yerushalayim [jeruʃaˈlajim], I live following his path and he lived for us). Abraham descended followed his path thoroughly in last 3800 years. They waged wars covertly or unconcealed to destroy the White Aryan peaceful civilization and transform members of the Mithraism and Aryan religion of White Aryan people successfully based on the God Shiva and Lord Krishna teaching.

They used the Judaism, New Christian, and Islamic faith to brainwash White Aryan people and control them economically. The successful plan comes to halt suddenly after the collapse of the US economy. The fall of the US economy is defined as “The financial crisis of 2007–09, also known as the global financial crisis and the 2008-09 financial crisis, is considered by many economists to have been the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.” Indeed, Almighty God HU of the White Aryan as the creator of humanity stopped the evil plan for now.

The Word White or Aryan transformed from the symbol of peace and love to represent racist and hate in 3800 years of Abrahamic religion teaching. Why word White or Aryan was laughable by white people until now? And what happened to unite White Aryan people to confront the mighty Abrahamic religions leaders now.

Only God HU can do such thing. The end of Abrahamic religion teaching is over now. And White Aryan people are going back to the true Christian faith of Jesus Christ. The real Christian faith changed by Roman Empire rulers and Jewish scholars to the current Christian religion, which is against the teaching of Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ came to revive Aryan religion and teach humanity to love one another and live side by side in peace.


Jesus the Khristós or Jesus Christ (4 BC – 30 AD)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Jesus the Khristós or Jesus Christ (4 BC – 30 AD)

Jesus of Nazareth came to revive the Aryan religion of Prophet Zoroaster

In New Christianity, the Christ is a title for the savior and redeemer who would bring salvation to the humanity. But his message had changed by Roman Empire rulers and Hebrew Jewish scholars. Jesus came, and he was called "Jesus Christ" (meaning "Jesus the Khristós," "Jesus the Messiah" or "Jesus the Anointed").  Indeed, Jesus the Khristós (the word "Khristhus" means, that he is truly is God HU) came to revive the Aryan religion of truthful divine revelations. To understand the process above, we need to start from the day when three wise men visited Jesus of Nazareth after his birth. The Aryan religion of Prophet Zoroaster’s preachers are known as Magi (Kurdish: Magush) also, referred to as the three Wise Men or three Kings were in the Gospel of Matthew and Christian tradition, a group of distinguished foreigners. The Jewish scholars who wrote New Christian Bible did not want to write down the detail of their visit. It is understandable now.

According to Bible the Magi who visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The holiday celebrations of Christmas are an important part of Christian tradition. But they do not know the detail about them. According to Matthew, the only one of the four Canonical gospels to mention the Magi, they came "from the east" to worship the "King of the Jews." The statement above is questionable if you think about it. Jesus of Nazareth born without father according to Christian religion belief, which means he is not from Hebrew Jews by blood, even if his mother was Jews. In the past and our lifetime the people are not accepting mother for bloodline.

The Magi’s visit is paramount because the Magi used astrology calculation to interpreted human affairs. According to Magi prediction, Jesus of Nazareth is the “Saoshyant” they had waiting for in last few thousand of years. “Saoshyant” is the figure in the Aryan (Zoroastrianism) religion that brings about the Frashokereti or final renovation of the world. “Saoshyant” is similar to the Messiah of the Judaism religion. The account does not mention the number of Magi. But scholars made up number three based on the three gifts has led to the widespread assumption. And there were three men, in Eastern New Christianity, especially the Syriac churches. The Magi number often is twelve, their identification as kings in later New Christian writings probably linked to Psalms 72:11, which is coming from this statement "May all kings fall before him".

The early Christianity religion

The birth and death stories of Jesus of Nazareth well documented by the creator of New Christianity religion. The entire apostolic age and the history of new Christianity from the acts of the apostles to the First Council of Nicaea in year 325 AD are questionable because of the conspiracies by the Roman rulers and Jewish scholars cooperation.

Jesus of Nazareth teaching was against Judaism religion. Jesus the Khristós (Jesus Christ) religion spread after his death and was attracting members outside of the land controlled by Hebrew Jewish people. Jesus is born during the era of Roman Emperor Augustus (23 September 63 BC – 19 August 14 AD). The Roman–Parthian Wars (66 BCE – 217 AD) and Roman-Sassanid (224 to 651) wars were a series of conflicts between the White Parthian Kurdish Empires as the members of the Aryan religion and the white Roman Republic and Roman Empire as the members of the Mithraism religion. It was the first series of conflicts to grab more land after the collapse of Greek Empire, which lasted for 719 years.

Jesus Christ came to revive the Aryan religion of Prophet Zoroaster as the worshiper of only one God known as God HU. Judaism religion members are from the family of the Deva religion God. The Aryan religion based on three principles known as God HU (Auramazda, means holy fire) the creator, Fravahar means the Holy Spirit and Ashu Zoroaster, which means prophet Zoroaster is the founder of Aryan religion. Jesus Christ religion based on three principles known as God the Father, Holy Spirit and Son of God (Jesus Christ the founder of the Christian faith).

A genuine religion of Jesus Christ was growing rapidly in Rome. And Sassanid Kurdish Empire (224 to 651) comes to power based on the revival of Aryan religion, which was not different from the Christian religion of Jesus Christ. Roman Empire ruler was facing real danger, which shared the interest of Judaism religion leaders too. Both Roman leader and Jewish scholars come up with new Christian religion to replace true Christian religion of Jesus Christ. Indeed, new Christian faith teaching is different from the true Christian religion, which is used to fight Aryan religion of Sassanid Empire first and then used against the Islamic religion too. Abraham known as Prophet Muhammad is descendent of Abraham and worshiper of God Shiva; he created Islamic religion with the help of Jewish scholars to White people empires of Rom and Sassanid too.

The secret of Pope, which is called the “Secret of Fatima” contain the real stories about how Roman and Jewish scholars replaced true Christian religion of Jesus Christ to the New Christian teaching to fool white people. The white people revolution against Zionist Jewish leaders in Europe, Russia, and America, will lead to discloser of truth by Pope sooner or later. Indeed, White people suffered in last 2538 because of the Hebrew Jewish leaders conspiracies in the land of White Aryan people.

In light of freedom of information and the era of Internet document availability helped me to do my research in last ten year thoroughly. And the discovery of American author Gene D. Matlock claims that Abraham the forefather of Hebrew Jews is the son of God Krishna alerted me to analyze document written by members of Deva religions (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Judaism, New Christian, Islam and others). In the old world without Native American (Red Indian) and Native Australian (Aboriginal Australians), there were only two doctrines. The first led by Mithraism and Aryan religion believer of the only one God is known as “God HU.” The second led by the followers of Deva religion. The followers of Trimurti Gods (three Gods) are known as God Brahma, the creator, God Vishnu the preserver, and God Shiva the destroyer/transformer as members of Deva religion. The followers of God Shiva of Deva religions created Judaism and Islamic faith. They changed their Gods name from Shiva to different names. The Judaism religion God is Yahweh and Islamic religion God is Allah. Both Judaism and Islam did not want to be detected by others. The new Christian religion is design to confuse the members forever.

There is no doubt about Jesus of Nazareth’s religion believes anymore after the discovery of American author Gene D. Matlock who claims that Abraham is the son of Lord Krishna or his descendant. The analysis of Jesus Christ religion principle is indicating that he came to revive the Aryan religion of Prophet Zoroaster. His family was from Samaritans (Samāriyyūn or Samhariyyhun, means we are followers of God HU). This group is belong to White Aryan people who settled among Hebrew Jewish people after King Nebuchadnezzar II of Neo-Babylonian Empire moved the majority of Hebrew Jews to Babylonian as captive. The Samaritans reported to Median Empire; they saved Cyrus the great from Jewish leader plot to kill him. During Alexander, the Great Hebrew Jewish leader annihilated Samaritans people. Jesus of Nazareth is not the descendant of King David, the stories made up by Hebrew Jewish scholars and Roman Empire rulers.

According to the holy book of Avesta (Avesta means “after the water stopped or great flood receded”), the vast flood of year 5600 BCE is very close to the coming of Prophet Zoroaster. Prophet Zoroaster came to revive the Mitra religion of Prophet Mahabad, or Mahabhara, which was taken over by members of Deva religion (devil worshipers). Prophet Zoroaster started the Aryan religion with this statement: “Mazdayasno Zarathushtrish Vidaevo Ahura-Tkaesho.” Prophet Zoroaster is saying the laws of Great God HU are holy to him, and he is against the “Daevo,” meaning Arimanius or Angra Mainyu and the evil creatures made by Arimanius know as Lord Shiva, Lord Krishna, Demon, Satan, or Devil who is anti-God HU. Prophet Zoroaster is declaring that he follows only the path of God HU as the only king.

Prophet Mahabad or Mahabhara started the Mitra religion and believed in only one God known as God HU. He taught people that God HU is similar to the sun or that the sun is the soul of God HU. Prophet Mahabad’s or Mahabhara’s Mitra or Mithraism religion is the predecessor of the Aryan religion by Prophet Zoroaster (Aryan religion is called Zoroastrianism religion by enemies of Aryan religion to degrade that religion compared to their religion). The word Aryan first used by the Prophet Zoroaster, who recognized fire as one of the holy earthly elements to be similar to God HU. Ancient followers of the Aryan religion used it as a symbol of freedom and at their Newroz (New Year) celebration. Travelers passing through the kingdom of the Aryans, centered in the Airyanem Vaejah (the land of the volcano or Mount Damavand region) near the city of Ray in today’s Tehran, noticed fires everywhere at night and called the Aryans’ home the “land of fire.”